Faculty Resources

  • Banner Text: Faculty Resources. Image shows faculty standing in a circle at a workshop

Faculty Resources

The Rowan Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship offers resources and support to Rowan faculty looking to integrate elements of entrepreneurship or entrepreneurial mindset into their courses. 

Teaching Entrepreneurship Library Guide

In collaboration with the Rowan University Campbell Library, we invite Rowan faculty to utilize the free Teaching Entrepreneurship Library Guide. While the guide is focused on entrepreneurship, there are various resources applicable to many business disciplines such as business modeling, creative problem solving and more. 

Faculty Seminar Series

Intentionally designed for faculty from all disciplines, this lecture series features leading scholars exploring diverse entrepreneurship and innovation topics in business, engineering, science, mathematics, humanities, social sciences, art, and more.

Upcoming Seminars:


Faculty Certificate Program in Entrepreneurship & Innovation

The Faculty Certificate Program in Entrepreneurship & Innovation provides faculty members from across campus with the opportunity to learn new pedagogical methods that allow for the incorporation of concepts associated with innovation and entrepreneurship into their classes. The concepts covered range from basic techniques designed to increase student’s creativity and idea generation process to more sophisticated techniques such as how to use the business model canvas. More than 100 faculty have completed the program to date. 

The 2024 cohort will be held August 29-30 in Business Hall. Visit go.rowan.edu/FCP24 and apply for enrollment by August 18th. Acceptance decisions will be sent via email prior to the start of the program.

ICSB Resources

The RCIE is proud to be a Knowledge Hub (KHub) Partner for the International Council for Small Business (ICSB). Rowan Faculty are eligible for free and discounted certificate programs and access to the ICSB Global Report on MSMEs (published in partnership with the United Nations).

Contact Jessica Vattima, RCIE Assistant Director, for more information.