Scholarships & Awards

  • Banner text: Scholarships & Awards. Image shows the Rowan Prof, Linda Ross (Professor Emeritus) and a student.

Scholarships & Awards

A variety of awards and scholarships are available to aspiring student innovators and entrepreneurs from all of Rowan University's colleges. 

Ross Medallion Award for Entrepreneurial Engagement

This medallion, given in honor of Dr. Linda Ross who taught at Rowan for 43 years and co-founded its entrepreneurship program, is awarded to the student most engaged in and supportive of Rowan's entrepreneurial ecosystem. Ross Medallion Awardees do more than just show up to events or participate in programs; they are entrepreneurial leaders who give back more to Rowan's entrepreneurial ecosystem than they ever hope to receive.

Nominations are accepted annually between December 1 and February 1 from Rowan Students, Staff, and Faculty. Winners are selected by the Rowan Entrepreneurship Advisory Council and subject to the approval of the Head of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. All Rowan University students who are graduating in December or May and are in good standing with the university are eligible to be considered.

Ross Medallion Awardees:

  • 2024: Isabella Shainline, B.A. English and Secondary Education, Photography Minor
  • 2023: Kenyon Burgess, B.S. Engineering Entrepreneurship, and Christopher Burton, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
  • 2022: James Benavente, B.S. Entrepreneurship
  • 2021: Brandon Graham, MBA
  • 2020: Melvin Sheppard, B.S. Entrepreneurship
  • 2019: Ethan Aversa and Jeff DeVito, B.S. Entrepreneurship
  • 2018: Antonia Nuzzolo, B.S. Entrepreneurship

Ross Nomination Portal:

Byrd Medallion Award for Entrepreneurial Leadership

This medallion is given in honor of Professor Kimble Byrd, a founding member of Rowan's entrepreneurship faculty and prominent member of the business community. The medallion is established through the generosity of Greg Payton, a former student of Professor Byrd's, who notes "Professor Byrd inspired me to think bigger and work harder. He emphasized the importance of service above self, academic achievement, perseverance, and an entrepreneurial mindset."

The recipient of this award embodies these very traits that Professor Byrd worked tirelessly to instill in his students:

  • service above self
  • academic excellence
  • perseverance
  • an entrepreneurial mindset

Nominations are accepted annually between December 1 and February 1 from Rowan Students, Staff, and Faculty. Winners are selected by the Rowan Entrepreneurship Advisory Council and subject to the approval of the Head of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. All Rowan University students who are graduating in December or May and are in good standing with the university are eligible to be considered.

Byrd Medallion Awardees:

  • 2024: Megan Steckler, B.S. in Marketing and Entrepreneurship
  • 2023: Nicholas Nastasi, B.S. Entrepreneurship, and Ashley Kulikowski, B.A. Psychology 
  • 2022: Michael Weinberg, B.S. Engineering Entrepreneurship
  • 2021: Tanvi Koduru, B.S. Entrepreneurship
  • 2021: Ali Tahir, D.O., School of Osteopathic Medicine
  • 2020: Josh Sivel, B.S. Entrepreneurship
  • 2019: Jo Carter, B.S. Entrepreneurship 

Byrd Nomination Portal: 

Entrepreneurship Scholarships

In addition to the two awards noted above, Rowan entrepreneurs are supported by the generous support of many alumni, faculty, and friends of the university. These scholarships include the Ed Remster Scholarship, the Gerald B. Shrieber Scholarships, the Matthew Uhl Scholarship, the Eagle Wealth Management Scholarships, and co-curricular support from the Mark and Judy Weaver Aspiring Entrepreneur Fund. 

To learn more about how you can support Rowan student entrepreneurs through scholarship or award gifts, please contact Jessica Vattima ( or Joe Delgado ( or you can donate now by clicking below. 

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